"How often should I train my glutes?" is by far the most common question I receive from my followers. The simple answer is 3 times per week. The more complex answer is 2-6 times per week depending on 7 important factors. The most important of these factors is genetics, but exercise selection, volume, load, effort, intent, and specialization all play a role as well.

An individual could see great results training glutes twice a week or six times a week depending on their physiology and how they structure their plan. In this video, I provide you with everything you need to know in order to structure your program as optimally as possible.

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Overrated And Underrated With Coach Bret Contreras (Glutes Edition)

In this first edition of "Overrated and Underrated," I cover popular methods pertaining to glute training. Shout out to Gary Vaynerchuck for coming up with this simple, catchy concept. 

Training Glutes on the Smith Machine (30 Amazing Glute Exercises)

Glute training off the smith machine kicks ass. There are so many good exercises you can do off of it. Please don’t listen to trainers and coaches who bash the smith machine. I can assure you that they haven’t experimented with it like we have at Glute Lab.

How To Structure The Perfect Glute Workout

It’s taken my decades of training folks and experimenting to figure out the optimal program structure to maximize glute development. Right now, this is where it’s at. Hasn’t changed much over the years but it’s...

A Scientific Guide to Determine an Exercise’s Effectiveness

All exercises are awesome. Some are better suited than others for helping a person reach various goals. This video details...

Progressive Overload vs The Mind Muscle Connection

In this video, I discuss the research behind attentional focus, the benefits of the mind muscle connection and progressive overload,...

Glute Band Workout: Influencers Take Note!

I start posting band burnouts in 2014, but when my buddy Cem had me do a 2-3 minute burnout when...

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Booty By Bret is an online strength and conditioning program for women catering to all levels of fitness from beginners who are new to strength training to bikini competitors and powerlifters. These total body strength training workouts are highly efficient to maximize aesthetics, body composition, strength, and athletic goals. Take your training to the next level and improve your physique in as little as 3 hours per week!