General Information

During checkout you'll be shown an estimated shipping time for the service you select. If this isn't displayed for the shipping service you have chosen then please make note of our typical shipping times below.

At present our typical shipping times within the US are 5-10 days.

At present our typical shipping times to Canada are 1-2 weeks.

All other International orders have a typical shipping time of 1-2 weeks. 

Orders are typically processed same day or next business day. 

If you have any questions please contact us.

Customers will be sent tracking information once their product(s) is being shipped. Please note that products may be shipped in separate packages, and that these may arrive at different times.

A 25% restocking fee applies to all cancellations and returns. Original shipping costs will also be deducted from any refund made after the unit has left our manufacturer. Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the purchaser. All returns must reach our manufacturer in their original packaging, unused, with all original documentation and in a saleable condition.

For more information check our Frequently Asked Questions guide.

Non-US International Orders

Please note that any non-US orders may attract additional fees and taxes imposed by your country. These are payable by you, the customer, so you should check with the relevant authorities before placing your order and agreeing to these terms. These additional fees will be billed by the carrier prior to delivery.

We do not allow returns on International orders.