Thruster Lite

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I've been doing the Booty By Bret program and had been using a barbell with a normal bench, and it got too tedious to setup and as I increased weights my bench hurt my back. I got the HTL and it makes my gym life SOOOO much easier! I bought with intentions to just use my barbell and not the resistance bands, but I tried the bands and they really give me a great burn and have actually helped me increase my barbell weight. I use the bands about 70% of the time now. So far I've done 305lbs with weights and the HTL holds me well. It's super light and easy to set up and lean against a wall once I'm done.


I am so glad I got the Truster Lite!! Hip thrusts have been the foundation of my glute training since attending one of Bret's workshops, and with the gyms being closed I was worried about how to properly execute them at home. The bands give an excellent glute resistance workout, and I use my barbells (up to 160lbs) on it with no problems. Very sturdy, easy to assemble, quite versatile - I love using it for Bulgarian split squats as well. Excellent value for the money. Love it.
