Want to buy 5 or more units? Learn about our bulk order scheme here.
- Approx dimensions - total unit footprint: 33 3/4”-38" wide x 55 1/2” long x 16 1/4” high
- Approx dimensions - main body of unit: 25 1/2” wide x 45 1/4” long x 16 1/4” high
- Approximate weight: 102 lbs
- 2 band pins provided
- 2 wheels and single handle for easy transportation and storage
- Color: Fine-textured black Note: Units ordered before mid-May 2016 were in the original clear-coated brushed steel
- Padding color: Black
- Heavy-duty steel construction
- The Hip Thruster is manufactured by hand from clear-coated steel so there may be very minor variations in appearance between units.
- Heavy-duty durable padding
- No moving parts (except for wheels)
- Some assembly required
- Dimensions/weight for shipping: Unit shipped in two cartons: Carton A - 64lbs - 32" x 32" x 9"; Carton B - 45lbs - 40" x 13" x 13"
- Load tested to 2,200lbs, recommended for use up to 1,300lbs
- Use pursuant to US Patent 8,172,736
Received your Hip Thruster and need help putting it together? Click here.